Computerized jaw tracking equipment offers the ability to track the jaw movements three dimensionally, recording the dysfunction so it can be corrected. This important diagnostic and treatment tool allows our doctor to measure small movements of the jaw with incredible accuracy, recording the exact point of dysfunction and providing the most comprehensive diagnostic information possible so that you can receive the care you need.
Computerized jaw tracking is a completely noninvasive technique. When our we provide computerized jaw tracking, a headset is placed on the patient and a magnet is placed below their lower front teeth. A lightweight sensor array tracks the path of the jaw in three dimensions to make a recording of the lower jaw as it moves. We can then determine the most natural and physiological bite and provide the treatment needed to correct your TMJ dysfunction.
Please call Powell TMJ & Sleep Solutions at 208-344-2593 to make an appointment with Dr. Pamela Powell and her team and learn more about computerized jaw tracking in Boise, Idaho, and our other state-of-the-art, advanced diagnosis and treatment options.